How to make carrot juice using a juicer

Carrot is the powerhouse of nutrients. It is a food that is rich in vitamins, minerals, and fibers which you may want to include in your diet. 

Not only for yourself but you can serve the carrots in the form of juice to your kids as well.

I know the struggle of trying to feed your kid some healthy vegetables which they usually deny.

But how about serving them in the form of delicious juice. 

Usually, it doesn't matter whether you are making carrot juice with a blender or a juicer. But what matters is you need to have the best type of juicer and a blender. So, here I am going to walk you through how to make carrot juice using a juicer.

Things needed to make a carrot juice

1. carrots

2. Juicer

Which carrots to choose for making carrot juice

The quality of the juice depends on the types of carrot you are using to make the juice. Though carrot is healthy and full of nutrients it doesn't mean that all the variety of carrots fits for juice. 

There are a variety of carrots like: 

Orange Carrots: These carrots are orange in colors with high sugar content. 

White Carrots: These carrots are white in color with the least nutrients in them.

Purple carrots: These are carrots with spicy flavors.

There are more carrots that can be found in markets. But Personally, I use the carrots that I have grown in my garden. Using homegrown carrots is free from pesticides and you know it is organic.

If you don't have time and space like me then you can use the orange carrots that you can easily find in the market.

Some of the tips to pick the healthy carrots for yourself:

1. Pick the carrots which are dark in color 

2. Pick the carrots that have green leaves on top

3. Don't pick the damaged carrots

4. Look for the carrots that are in good shape

5. Check whether the carrots are hard or not

Making carrot juice using a Juicer

Making carrot juice is super easy. 

But need a bit of hard work before getting the magic potion from the carrots.

So, before we can move any further, I want to let you know that we have divided the process into two stages i.e Preparation stage and juicing stage.

Preparation stage

Cleaning the carrots

In this preparation stage, you need to wash the carrots under running water and srub them with the help of a cleaning brush. 

If you want you can peel off the skin of the carrots. Don't worry the nutrients of the carrots don't decrease.  

Chopping the carrots

Start Chopping the carrots using a sharp knife into small pieces of blocks. So it would be easy for the juicer to juice.

You don't need to chop the carrots if you have the juicer that is perfect for juicing them. You can put the carrots as a whole into the juicer and use the pusher to push it to the juicing chamber.

Assemble Your Juicer 

If you are a beginner, assembling the juicer is the toughest and time-consuming job compared to juicing. You need to have a clear process of assembling the juicer that you have. 

Some of the juicers are easy and some are difficult. So, I would recommend getting a juicer that is compatible and user-friendly.

Make sure you have assembled the juicer in the right way because most of the juicer doesn't start if not assembled properly. The juicer should be stable while you switch on the juicer. 

Juicing stage

Put the carrots inside the juicer

Now that you have done all the precutting and assembling of the juicer it is time for the action. Slowly start putting the small cubes of carrots inside the juicer. 

If you need the help of the pusher you can use it to push down the carrot pieces into the juicing chamber. But, don't forget to keep an eye on the juice container. Juice until the container is full.

When the juice container gets full the magic potion is ready to serve. Serve immediately as soon as you get the juice otherwise the juice might start oxidizing.


Taking carrot juice is one of the smartest ways of intaking veggies by you and your children. So, add up carrot juice to your daily diet to get high nutrients for healthy living.
